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SINGING FUN Program FOR PEOPLE 60+ PROGRAM IS hosted by CAAN--納城華藝

The Chinese Arts Alliance of Nashville(CAAN)is offering a free singing program for people 60+.  You will learn to sing three Chinese folk songs.  You also will learn the stories behind the folk songs.  You do not need to be Chinese or speak Chinese to attend.

 “Singing Fun” is a free program with 6 meetings, each from 10 AM to 11:30 AM on Saturdays.  The program coordinator is Jen-Jen Lin, venue coordinator is Salina Ho, and instructor is Lizung Lin.  Attendees who are at all 6 sessions will get their registration payment refunded.  

 Our goal is to encourage people 60+ to continue to be adventurous, and creative. While building an engaging community.

 Dates: 9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 2024.

Location: 1700 Natchez Trace, Nashville (Natchez Trace Church of Christ )

 This program is hosted by Chinese Arts Alliance of Nashville, partnering with Natchez Trace Church of Christ, and supported by the TN Arts Commission.

 Click here to register, or write a check for $15.00 to CAAN, PO Box 121841, Nashville, TN 37212 before Friday 9/27/2024.

納城華藝 Chinese Arts Alliance of Nashville(CAAN)正在為60歲以上的華人舉辦「趣味歌唱」活動。 指導老師:林麗榕Lizung Lin。 專案總監: 林嫃嫃Jen-Jen Lin,場地協調: 黃雲美Salina Ho。 這是一個由六堂課組成的系列,全勤獎將頒發給成員參加完整的系列。(9/28, 10/5, 10/12, 10/19, 10/26, 11/2, 星期六早上十點到十一半點. ) 歡迎踴躍報名參加,共度好時光!

地點 : 中華基督教会 1700 Natchez Trace, Nashville.




納城華藝主辦,中華基督教會協辦, TN Arts Commission贊助.

報名費$15,其它全免.  (支票開給CAAN,郵寄到PO Box 121841, Nashville, TN 37212.)

或用手機掃描此處捐贈$15給 CAAN作為”趣味歌唱”活動的報名費。

You can also use this link to donate $15 as the registration fee to enter this free program.