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CAAN supports AAPI ART SHOW sponsored by API Middle TN on May 30, Sunday!

AAPI Art Show 5-30 at 3 PM (CAAN) flyer.jpg

Join us outdoors for an art show on May 30th at Red Caboose Park of Bellevue sponsored by API Middle TN to celebrate Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2-4 PM.

Chinese Arts Alliance of Nashville is supporting the event by presenting dances performed by DANCE NASHVILLE at 3 PM!

Free event, open to the public!

“Dance Nashville” is a CAAN’s community dance group formed by Chinese language teachers, parents and friends. We have being rehearsing over Zoom since last March due to COVID 19.

We are so pleased that we can present our dances in person again!

#apimidtn #AAPIHM #Celebrate AAPIHM #ChineseArtsAlliance #CAAN #AsianArtsandCulture